Know why nursing system helpful in health sector

Nurse call systems are designed to alert nurses to medical emergencies or when patients need care. In addition, favorable governments investments in health care and the growing demand for better technological advances are stimulating market growth.

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Have you ever wondered how the patient-nurse call system of a residence works? Those who already work in the sector will surely use a solution. This modular patient-nurse communication system brings together all the communication and traceability needs of the facilities on the same platform. As it is modular, it allows expanding the program's capabilities depending on the needs of each center or the technological advances that are produced in the sector.

Rauland Responder 4000 Master Station (R4K4020)

The nurse-patient communication systems are based on IP technology and use buttons on beds and bathrooms to generate warnings and alarms that reach doctors, nurses and caregivers of the center, whether residential or hospital. In addition, they allow a comprehensive management of the center, by including options that go beyond mere communication, which increases productivity and responds to the current configuration of many centers, where there is a shortage of professionals to serve the large number of users.

How the patient-nurse communication system works
The communication system for residences starts when the user presses the call button, which generates an alarm accompanied by a visual indicator that reaches the area where the professionals of the center are. Advanced systems also send the alarm to a wireless terminal that accompanies nurses at all times, so they can hear the warning even if they are not in their usual area. In addition, they can initiate remote communication with the user to obtain prior information before even going to their room.

Once the nurse arrives in the room, she uses a personal card to deactivate the alarm and, in fact, dial a notice on the control panel indicating that there is already a professional with the user.  In this way, the system will record how long it has been in the user's room. The nurse will be able to add information to the registration of the notice indicating in a terminal what exact tasks it has performed as part of the assistance. This data is subsequently used to improve the organization of the center and its professionals to optimize processes and better serve users.

If a doctor is needed during user assistance in his room, the nurse can request it by pressing a button on the terminal, which generates a new alarm that reaches the doctor in question. The doctor will behave in the user's room in the same way as the nurse, registering with a personal card with RFID technology, both its entry and its exit, as well as the information about the tasks performed during the assistance.

Different types of patient-nurse communication systems
The operation and protocol are the same as when the alarm is activated from the room using the button. Although the light that accompanies the alarm is a different color so that nurses know at a glance that the alarm has been generated in the bathroom, as these are generally more serious incidents than those occurring in the room.


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