Traditional nurse call systems versus a wireless nurse call system
In most cases, seniors' residences have old nurse call systems, dating from before 2010, which consist of a system of wired cords, and possibly lighting in the corridors. The nurse call system can still work, but breakdowns are becoming more frequent and replacement parts are expensive. So why should you replace a nurse call system that still works? Because you’re old traditional wired cord system provides a false sense of security and puts the safety of your residents at risk. Traditional nurse call systems versus a wireless nurse call system Traditional nurse call systems serve a limited area in a residence and are useful only if a resident in distress is near a call cord. In other words, traditional nurse call systems offers a fake sense of safety, as they are often out of arrive at when required. In addition, some cords in an aging system may not work at all. Take a single room typical of your establishment. If one of your residents falls into their room and is ...