Detail about The medical information system
The medical information system is a combination of information, organizational, software, and hardware designed to automate medical processes and (or) organizations. ncbss1 is one of best example of medical information system. The main tasks solved using IC are:
- information support for the provision of medical care to the population;
- Informational support for healthcare management.
Foreign classifications
In foreign sources, almost all authors have recently supported the division of systems Computerized the Physician Order Entry and Patient Care Information Part Systems’. Such a division is conditional complies with the following concepts: workstations specialists or decision support system and medical information systems. Among the Computerized Physician Order Entry systems are:

- systems used by doctors;
- systems used by nurses;
- Systems used by pharmacologists.
As a result of a study of the five leading hospitals, the main types of systems used in hospitals were identified:
Computerized Results – systems that provide computer reports on diagnostic processes available for use;
Computerized Notes – systems that allow you to enter various information about the medical diagnostic process, including elements of an electronic medical history;
Computerized Ordering – systems for managing the diagnostic and treatment process;
Computerized Event Monitoring and Notification – computer monitoring and notification systems. These systems provide the search for symptoms that are important for the diagnostic process and notify about the deviations found;
Clinical Administration Systems – economic, administrative and reference systems;
Decision Support – decision support systems that can be used to interact with systems such as Computerized Results.
Are being increasingly developed electronic health records (of Electronic the patient record ).
Depending on the type of system, requirements are given for information, software, technical, linguistic, metrological, methodological, organizational, and other types of software for the designed and implemented automated system.
The composition and content of work to create a system. The subsection should include a list of stages of work on the development of an automated system and a list of documents presented upon completion.
The order of control and acceptance of the system
The types, scope, and testing methods of an automated system and its components (in the presence of subsystems) are described. This subsection lists the organizations participating in the tests, the dates, and place of their conduct, the status of the acceptance committee (departmental, interagency, and state).
Requirements for the composition and content of work on preparing the automation object for putting the system into operation
The subsection should contain a list of the main activities that must be completed before putting the system into operation. Bringing the information entering the system to a form suitable for processing using a computer; changes to be made in the automation object; creation of services and units necessary for the functioning of an automated system; terms of staff training.
Documentation Requirements. The subsection includes a list of documents to be developed that are consistent with the requirements of state standards, a list of documents issued on machine media, as agreed by the customer and the developer.
Sources of development. The subsection includes documents and information materials that were used to create the system.
Thus, the process of development and commissioning of ICs is strictly regulated.
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